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Where to Find Naloxone

Where to Find Naloxone 

With opioid overdoses on the rise, having access to Naloxone can save lives. This medication is crucial for reversing opioid overdoses — it can even be the difference between life and death. It’s recommended that everyone carry Naloxone, just like your keys or wallet, even if you don’t use opioids yourself. 

You might be wondering where to find Naloxone and how to get it. Thankfully, California has several accessible options:


In California, you can buy Naloxone at many pharmacies without a prescription, including major chains like CVS and Walgreens. 

It is often available for purchase on a shelf just like any other non-prescription medication. Some pharmacies, however, do keep it behind the pharmacy counter. In this case, simply ask the pharmacist for a Naloxone kit. They can give you the medication and instructions on how to use it. Narcan is the most common brand name for Naloxone. However, there are also generic versions available. Generic drugs are usually lower cost but have the same active ingredients.

Some insurance plans may cover the cost of Naloxone; however, not all do. To see if it is covered, check with your insurance provider or ask an employee at your local pharmacy to check for you.

Community Organizations and Programs

Many nonprofits and community groups focused on substance-use support distribute Naloxone. These groups often give out Naloxone for free or at a low cost. They can also teach people how to use it.

You can use the Naloxone finder from the National Harm Reduction Coalition to find Naloxone near you. Their map also contains details such as the hours and locations of distribution sites. 

All California Syringe Services Programs provide access to Naloxone. They also offer sterile syringes, safer drug use supplies, and other services. 

Local Health Departments 

Many local health departments offer Naloxone for free or at a lower cost. These programs are part of public health efforts to reduce opioid overdoses. Don’t hesitate to contact your local public health department to ask about getting Naloxone. 

Mail-Based Programs

If you cannot access resources in person, you may be able to get mail-based Naloxone through Next Distro. To get Naloxone by mail, you will need to watch a training video, take a quick quiz, and give some information, like where to send it. 

Doctors and Clinics 

Healthcare providers can prescribe Naloxone. Many clinics provide it directly or can guide you on where to get it. If you’re visiting a clinic for any reason, don’t hesitate to ask about Naloxone. 

At What Age Can You Get Naloxone?

California’s laws and programs aim to make Naloxone accessible to everyone. You can get Naloxone from a pharmacy without a prescription. There isn’t a specific age requirement enforced by state law, but each pharmacy might have its own policies. Generally, if you are 18 or older, you can get Naloxone from a pharmacy. If you’re under 18, you may need help from a parent or guardian to get it. You can also reach out to a community-based program for help getting Naloxone.

Naloxone is crucial for saving lives, and there are many ways to get this life-saving medication. By making it more available and encouraging more people to carry it, we can help reduce the number of opioid-related deaths. Each of us can make a difference by being prepared and looking out for one another!

Now that you know where to find Naloxone, it’s important to understand the facts and clear up any misconceptions. To learn more, check out our blog 12 Myths About Naloxone Debunked. This guide will help make you a more informed and prepared advocate for overdose prevention. 


California Syringe Services Programs

National Harm Reduction Coalition

Next Distro